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The General Lee
S3 licensed
An absolute stunner robt So, is this a restoration project? More info please!
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Zapp & Roger - More Bounce To The Ounce
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Luke.s - You are an idiot.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :A. Her boobs are too big

All natural though.

Quote from sgt.flippy :B. Why is there hair in front of the boobs?

Because if it wasn't, I wouldn't post it here.

Quote from sgt.flippy :That desktop makes me sad

Meh, it makes me happy.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone
The General Lee
S3 licensed
The General Lee
S3 licensed
System Idle is always high. Mine is currently about high 80's to low 90's. It even reaches 99 at times, but as it only uses 28k of the Memory, its fine.

Where as, FireFox for example uses 157,000K yet is using very little of the CPU usuage. Same for things like WMP.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Wait a year and buy a car.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :My XRT can.

My XRR can do 999MPH so nur!
The General Lee
S3 licensed
It was until I got home and remembered when I asked if it was a 2.6 (Running the RB26DETT of course) he said "No mate, its 2 and a half" then a lot of interesting stuff happened, making me forget. I'm sure the GT-R's had the 2.6, I dunno.

Still, an impressive car to say the least.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Because cars can't do 500MPH yet planes can >_<
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Brian Ferry - Lets Stick Together


Rader Love - Golden Earring
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Icons are for losers

But, I'm happy to say she has made a return to my desktop
The General Lee
S3 licensed
David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust

Just changed to...

Eric Clapton - Cocaine
The General Lee
S3 licensed
What is your CPU usage? Anything downloading?
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Laughing My Fat Ass Off @ Luke.S

Seriously, if you are gonna bullshit through your teeth then at least make it slightly believable.

Do you really think they bloke would take it to the absolute top end with a kid that won a competition. It does 253.2, which I'm sure you know, as you checked it on the internet before making that post.

Also, which road was this on, I'm guessing it was rather on a very very long piece of track as it takes 55 seconds to reach its top speed. The driver wouldn't of hit 253 as the road would of been too bumpy.

Face it, the facts are against you, but if you can prove us right, which I doubt, but hats off.

Eagerly waiting...
The General Lee
S3 licensed
I hate it when you are racing and some idiot binds "SUSPECT NOT STOPPING - USING FORCE" or "LOCATION HIGHWAY - NEED BACKUP" Fools.

Also, binded "Sorry" really annoys me, I get a feeling they don't really mean it. If they went through the little bit of hassle to type sorry to me, I would be much happier.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Tonight, I had a blast in a Nissan Skyline R34 (He said it was a GT-R, but I wouldn't like to say)

Fastest thing I have ever been in and WOW, what a car...

A little ricer/teh dRiFt0R!11 - he even had the mirrored graphics on the other side
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Kurtis Blow - The Breaks

Thumbs up
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :What ever happened to that website I can't find it anymore .. gets some good laughs out of it too

EbaumsWorld - You need to start looking harder

Not as popular as it used to be as the owner guy stole people work, as you know...
The General Lee
S3 licensed
I first heard Crazy Frog on EbaumsWorld, when it had a picture of an F1 car and the Frog going "BahDingDingBaaah" and if you could look at it for 30 seconds and not laugh, you were insane.

Then the actual frog appeared, then the songs and aye aye aye...
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :Have you tried seperating sites you want as multiple homepages with | ?

Quote from Thor :Firefox Multiple Homepages in tabs is easy|

Opens Igoogle and BBC on 2 tabs


Now I have no real reason to prefer IE over FF!

Thanks guys.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Just another "clever" idea on how to rob Children and their parents of money to buy ringtones/t-shirts etc.

Evil People.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
On IE, you could have numerous homepages and they all opened when you opened the program. But with FF, you can only have one homepage, but you can add them to the Bookmarks Toolbar and "Open All In Tabs"...

...With FF3.0 it just opens one "Untitled Document"

Seems okay apart from that. The interface seems a little rough around the edge and a bit "cheap". That's all.